We are excited to announce that the LawWorks Mastermind group is launching, powered by real-time conversation integrated in Slack. If you’re excited, and you should be, you can join the fun by heading to slack.lawworks.com

Sharing information is simple and intuitive in Slack, and since it’s built for lively, fast-paced conversation, momentum can build naturally and quickly.

We have created #channels in our community for topics like #business-of-law, #professional-development, #just-for-fun, and more. You will also have access to LawWorks’ exclusive referral network via our #referrals channel.

A full list of channels is here. To join any locked channel, please send a DM via Slack to @Shelby Brown. Feel free to join as many or as few channels as you like. You can control your notifications, so you hear about everything in a particular channel, or you can turn all notifications off and stay passively involved. Whatever is best for you.

How does this work?

To access the Mastermind network, simply make a LawWorks account of any tier at LawWorks - Join us. Your LawWorks account will be activated afterwards, and you’ll receive a link to our Mastermind group confidentiality agreement and a Slack invite. After receiving your invite, please:

1.) Complete your profile

When setting up your profile, please make sure to include your name, organization, practice area, and location. You may also want to add your email and phone number.

2.) Please post an introduction on the #introductions channel.

We want to get to know you! Use this channel to introduce yourself and include information like:

  • location
  • firm name
  • your role and experience

Go ahead and download the Slack desktop app — that’ll allow you to connect quickly and stay in the loop with conversations. There are a few admins in the group that can assist with your needs:

  • @Shelby Brown, LawWorks Community Manager
  • @Lucero Smith, HR and Operations Support
  • @Allen Wilkinson, general Admin

We have some Community Guidelines for the group, to help make conversation productive and respectful:

We encourage you to use this group to share what you're working on, ask and answer questions, and give and ask for feedback. Please do not use this group to solicit content, products, or services. Inappropriate content or hate speech will not be tolerated. We hope we don't have to but we reserve the right to remove members from the group at any time.

  1. No Promotions or Spam: Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. If you are going to share content, please add some information to your post and why it is relevant content for the members to read.
  2. No Hate Speech or Bullying: Bullying of any kind is not allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
  3. Be Kind and Courteous: We are all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural but kindness is required.
  4. Respect Everyone's Privacy: Being part of a group required mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What is shared in the group should stay in the group.

We can’t wait to see the conversations and collaborative projects that will come out of this new way of communicating. It’s going to be great. See you in there!

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