Hiring new employees is an exciting time for any company. You’ve found the perfect candidate and are eager to get them started on the path to success within your organization. But before you can do that, you need to ensure they have a smooth onboarding experience.
The onboarding process should accomplish two things: first, it should help the new hire acclimate to their new role and company culture; second, it should ensure that they have the necessary tools and knowledge to be successful in their job.
To help you accomplish these goals, we’ve put together a new employee onboarding guide and checklist. This guide will walk you through the steps of onboarding, from pre-hire to the first day on the job and beyond. By following these steps, you can be confident that your new hires will hit the ground running and be productive members of your team from day one.

What Is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into the workplace. It begins on the first day of employment and continues for several months thereafter as the new hire adjusts to their new role and becomes a fully functioning member of the team.
The most basic function of onboarding is to provide an orientation to the company, its culture, and the new hire’s role within the organization. It is also an opportunity for the employer to ensure that the new hire has the resources needed to perform the job at their highest level.
In recent years, however, onboarding has evolved to become much more than just an orientation process. With the war for talent becoming increasingly competitive, employers are using onboarding as an opportunity to make a great first impression on new hires and ensure that they have a positive experience from the start.
A well-executed onboarding program can help new hires feel welcome, valued, and supported in their new role; it can also boost retention rates and improve job satisfaction. On the other hand, a poorly executed onboarding program can leave new hires feeling confused, frustrated, and isolated, which can lead to them leaving the company altogether.

Why Is Onboarding Important?

There are a number of reasons why onboarding is important, both for the employer and the employee.
From the employer’s perspective, good onboarding can:
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Increase employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Improve job performance
  • Save on the cost of recruiting and training new employees
From the employee’s perspective, good onboarding can:
  • Make them feel welcome and part of the team from day one
  • Help them understand their role and what is expected of them
  • Give them the tools and resources they need to do their job effectively
As you can see, onboarding is incredibly crucial to both parties. Without it, the hiring process is incomplete, and the new employee isn’t given the best chance to succeed.

Onboarding Checklist for Employers

The following is a checklist of things that employers should do to ensure a smooth and effective onboarding process.
Plan the Onboarding Process: Decide who will be responsible for each task, what needs to happen and when, and who will be the primary contact for the new employee.
Create an Onboarding Schedule: Make a schedule of onboarding activities and share it with the new hire and their manager.
Extend Job Offer: Once you’ve decided to hire a candidate, extend a formal job offer. Try to convey all the key information about the role, company, and benefits in the offer letter. Moreover, sell your excitement over bringing your new hire in to fill the position.
Welcome the New Hire: On the first day, introduce the new employee to their team and show them around the office. Individual introductions allow for a more personal welcome. You might also want to have a company-wide email sent out or post on an intranet announcing the new arrival.
Go Over Your Company Culture: It’s important that new employees understand your company culture and values. Discuss what you expect from employees in terms of behavior, work ethic, and attitude. You might also want to provide new hires with some reading material on your culture, such as a copy of your employee handbook.
Provide Training: Offer training on company policies, procedures, and systems. Hew hires need to know how to do their job and how to fit into the company culture. Explaining your company culture is only half the battle. You also need to let your new hire experience it firsthand.
Review Job Responsibilities: Be sure the new hire understands their job responsibilities. This is a good time to go over the job description, set expectations, and identify any areas of confusion.
Set Goals: Work with the new hire to set goals for their first 90 days, six months, and year. These goals should be aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.
Check In Regularly: Schedule regular check-ins with the new hire’s manager. These check-ins give you an opportunity to see how the new hire is adjusting and to offer any needed support.
Evaluate Progress: At the end of the probationary period, conduct a performance review to evaluate the new hire’s progress. This is also a good time to identify any areas of improvement.
The onboarding process is a critical part of ensuring that new employees are set up for success. By following the above checklist, employers can ensure that they are covering all the bases and giving their new hires the best possible chance to succeed.

Get Expert Help with Your Onboarding Objectives

At LawWorks, we understand that each law firm has different onboarding objectives. We also know that the process of onboarding can be daunting, especially for smaller firms that may not have the resources to dedicate to a comprehensive onboarding program.
That’s why we offer expert help with your onboarding objectives, whether you’re looking to build a comprehensive program from scratch or simply shore up your existing process. We’ll work with you to tailor a solution that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve your onboarding goals.

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